So off I go to build a script that will load from a .csv file and create contact entries with an smtp email address and an x500 address.
All goes well. my script loads the user list. checks to make sure the user doesn't already have an AD account, or a contact entry. In fact it even removes duplicates if it finds a contact and a user object both exist. (I needed that after the first time I ran the script and I realized it wasn't checking the user objects correctly. I had a bunch of duplicates I created to remove)
So now I'm at the meat of my script. create contact. check. Make first name this. Check. Make Last name that. Check. Make the email address. Check. Add Proxy address. WRONG!!
You see, proxy Address in Active Directory is an Array not a single valued attribute. So when I set the addresses I need,
X500: /o=company/ou=container/cn=Worldwide Address List/cn=smtp-john-smith-company-com
only one address ends up in the user record. This, of course is because my script is trying to add a proxy address like this
objUser.Put "proxyAddresses", "X500:" & proxyAddressvariable
objUser.Put "proxyAddresses", "SMTP:" & proxyAddressvariable
So I did a search on the net for the best way to do this and what do I find?
Manipulating the e-mail addresses list of an Exchange recipient requires some array manipulation functions.
The UBound function retrieves the number of objects stored in an array. In order to add an e-mail address to athe proxyAddresses array of a recipient you would need to expand the number of objects stored in the array.
The Redim Preserve function allows you to expand an array while preserving its contents.
___________________________________________________________________Set oUser = GetObject ("LDAP://CN=Buffy Summers,OU=Scoobies,DC=sunnydale,DC=muni")
Set objRecip = oUser
sAddress = "smtp:slayer@sunnydale.muni"
bIsFound = False
vProxyAddresses = objRecip.ProxyAddresses
nProxyAddresses = UBound(vProxyAddresses)
i = 0
Do While i <= nProxyAddresses
If vProxyAddresses(i) = sAddress Then
bIsFound = True
Exit Do
End If
i = i + 1
If Not bIsFound Then
ReDim Preserve vProxyAddresses(nProxyAddresses + 1)
vProxyAddresses(nProxyAddresses + 1) = sAddress
objRecip.ProxyAddresses = vProxyAddresses
End If
Now I like at all this. create an array and go through each contact and get the array of proxy addresses then redim the array variable to keep the data in the array but add a place for more data then add the new piece of data and save the whole thing back. It's kind of interesting, but waaay more complex than needed. This piece of script assumes you don't know what proxy addresses your users use. Now, it won't be true for everyone, but in the case of the work I'm doing I just want to add the appropriate proxy addresses. So after spending a chunk of time trying to adapt the piece of script above to my needs and realizing that I can't use it at all as the contacts I'm manipulating don't have ANYTHING in their proxy address as I'm still creating them I resumed my search of the net until I found this.
objUser.PutEx ADS_PROPERTY_APPEND, "proxyAddresses", Array (proxyAddress1,proxyAddress2)
To be fair this one line has several varialbes that had to be defined.
ADS_PROPERTY_APPEND = 2 (this is so the PutEX method knows to append rather than overwrite)
proxyaddress1 = "SMTP:" & proxyAddressvariable
proxyaddress2 = "X500:" & proxyAddressvariable
I just can't help but notice how many times I search the web for code and find vastly interesting and complex scripts and scriptlets for things that can be done in 2 or 3 lines. Now I'm not claiming to be better than anyone else when it comes to coding. I'm not. I'm very new and this rant alone seems long drawn out and overly complex. But it does all lead to the point I laid out in the title of this rant. Something I constantly need to remind myself both in my work and in my life.
Keep It Simple Stupid